Newton County Special Services Corporation, Inc. provides services to 52 Early Head Start children and families in Newton County.
For more information please contact:
Mrs. Sherry R Campbell, CEO, / (870) 446-6053
Mrs. Jennifer A Horsman, Director, / (870) 446-6054
611 West Clark Street, Jasper, AR 72641 / P.O. Box 528, Jasper, AR 72641
Central Office Staff
Early Head Start Centers
Better Beginnings | Center Name | Address Line 1 | City | State | ZIP | County | Congressional District |
Phone | Total Slots | Child Care Partner Site |
Jasper Learning Center | 611 West Clark Street | Jasper | AR | 72641 | Newton County | AR-004 118th Congress | (870) 446-2682 | 16 | No | |
Newton County Home Base | 611 West Clark Street | Jasper | AR | 72641 | Newton County | AR-004 118th Congress | (870) 446-2682 | 20 | No | |
Western Grove Learning Center | 241 US 65 Business Highway | Western Grove | AR | 72685 | Newton County | AR-004 118th Congress | (870) 429-6740 | 16 | No | |
Total | 52 |