The Head Start State Collaboration Office and the Fatherhood and Family Initiative is proud to present opportunities for fathers to come together and learn the latest education updates, learn from key state partners, provide support and share their stories.  These sessions will be offered three times in 2024. Please join us to hear their stories and to provide feedback and ongoing support!

Click here to download the flyer.




Get ready for the greatest hour of powerful conversations ever!

For More Information, Please Contact:

Hayse Miller, Fatherhood President at


Jacqualine Govan, Fatherhood Advisor at 501-371-0740

Please save the dates for the following upcoming FREE virtual events:


Powerful Conversations with Fathers.


Please register using the link under each date.


Please register using the link under each date.


March 12, 2024-11:30 am-12:30 pm,  

"Fathers! The Most Needed Vitamin In The World!"  Rev. Stanley Barnes


July 9, 2024-11:30 am-12:30 pm

Brandon Massey


November 12, 2024-11:30 am-12:30 pm

Kevin Carnes

All sessions will be recorded!

All sessions will be recorded!