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The Arkansas Child Development and Early Learning Standards: Birth through 60 Months was developed through a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. It is important to recognize Joelle-Jude Fontaine, the state’s Program Officer at the Foundation, who has been a supportive and encouraging partner throughout the development of not only these standards, but also the state’s family engagement and kindergarten entry screening initiatives. The standards were created through the hard work of a number of passionate and dedicated early childhood professionals. Jackie Govan, the Arkansas Head Start State Collaboration Director, led the development effort, ensuring that the project stayed on track, that the input of the Arkansas Child Development and Early Learning Standards Committee was appropriately incorporated into the document, and that the opinions and perspectives of the broader early childhood stakeholder community in Arkansas were well represented. Tonya Williams, Director of the Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education (DCCECE), and her staff provided valuable input from the state agency perspective throughout the process. Click on the image for the English Version. (Click here for the Spanish Version)